Blog 020: 2024 Summer NCLEX® Program Reports Reminder - Encourage Your Colleagues to Setup Access to your Program's NCLEX® Program Reports

Wyetta Bontempo July 24, 2024

 By: Wyetta Bontempo, PhD

Summer is such a splendid time for beaches, sunshine, picnics, and family reunions. Mountain Measurement would like to remind you that summer is also an excellent time for catching up on or getting ahead of some vital NCLEX® Program Reports tasks. One task that Mountain Measurement recommends that your program undertake during July and August is to encourage your colleagues to sign up for a free NCSBN® Performance Reports Website user account. Mountain Measurement believes that program evaluation is most successful when all stakeholders are involved. One of the most important stakeholders in your organization are its faculty members. And, one of the most important program evaluation data sources are the NCLEX® Program Reports. Therefore, Mountain Measurement recommends that all of your active faculty members sign up for a free NCSBN® Performance Reports Website user account and link their user account to your educational program.

The benefits of having a user account include

  • direct access to your program's NCLEX® Program Reports, which allows each faculty member to review, inspect, and analyze the performance of your program's graduates to identify opportunities for improvement in each of the courses that they teach.
  • access to blog articles which train and inform them on how to make the most of the time that they spend interacting with the NCLEX® Program Reports as well as tips for how to improve their assessment and program evaluation activities.
  • invitations to participate in professional development courses on assessment, program evaluation, and, of course, the NCLEX® Program Reports. Figure 1. displays the running total of the number of NCLEX® Program Reports users by program. Almost half of the programs have 3 or more users; almost 10% have 7 or more users; and, there are some programs with more than 30 users. The programs which are maximizing the return on their investment in the NCLEX® Program Reports are the programs in this chart that are on the left, i.e., those that have a high percentage of faculty members that have registered for a free user account.

Figure 1. Running Total of Number of NCLEX® Program Reports Users by Program

Since summer is a great time to engage in catch-up or get-ahead activities, Mountain Measurement would like to invite you to send an email to all of your program colleagues with a link to the NCSBN Performance Reports Website and invite them to sign up for a free user account. At a minimum, we encourage you to make sure that all program administrators and faculty members that are involved in program evaluation or accreditation activities have a user account and access to your program's NCLEX® Program Reports.

Keep in mind that it is impossible to download all of the information in the NCLEX® Program Reports into a PDF. To completely review the performance of your graduate's performance, it is necessary for faculty members to interact with the online reporting system directly.