223 - Coding items to the NCLEX Test Plan & Content Dimensions

This self-paced course is the third offered as part of the NCLEX® Program Reports Nursing Frameworks Series. This series explores nursing frameworks by unpacking each of the Functional Areas and Content Dimensions used in the NCLEX® Program Reports.

Registration fee: $50.00

Upcoming Dates: Opening February 2022

Delivered by Anne Wendt, RN, MSN, Ph.D., CAE, PMP and Wyetta Bontempo, PhD, Founder and Principal Consultant with Mountain Measurement, Inc. More info about the faculty members teaching this course is available in the faculty section of the "Find out More" page

Prerequisites and Target Audience

This web-based coure is recommended for nurse educators and administrators who participate in program evaluation activities or have an interest in analyzing their NCLEX® Program Reports.

In order to receive continuing education credit, attendees must have completed:

the former 100 Course "An Introduction to the NCLEX® Program Reports", or the full self-paced Introductory Series (101 ‐ An Orientation to the NCLEX® Program Reports, 102 - Understanding the Overall Performance of Your Candidates, and 103 ‐ Understanding the Topic Area Performance of your Candidates)


the former 200 Course "Analyzing and Interpreting the NCLEX® Program Reports" or the full self-paced Analysis Series (201 ‐ The Basic NCLEX® Program Reports Analysis Process and 202 ‐ Analyzing The NCLEX® Test Plan & Content Dimension Reports)


221 - Using the NCLEX Test Plan to Dive Deeper into Your Program's NCLEX Program Reports Test Plan Performance and 222 - A Deep Dive into the NCLEX® Program Reports Content Dimensions


The purpose of this course is to cultivate the knowledge and skills necessary for educators to map or code items to the NCLEX® Program Reports Content Dimensions.

This course is the third part of the four-part NCLEX® Program Reports Nursing Frameworks Series.


The topics covered during the NCLEX® Program Reports 223 Course are:

  1. NCLEX Item Coding Framework
    1. Content Dimension or Functional Area
    2. Type of NCLEX® Codes
      1. Mutually Exclusive
      2. Non-Mutually Exclusive
  2. Coding Tips
  3. Practice

Learning Outcomes

Upon course completion, participants will be able to:

  • describe the schema of NCLEX® Item coding frameworks
  • describe the types of NCLEX® codes
  • provide tips on how to code items to be similar to the codes used by the NCLEX®
  • classify items according to the NCLEX® frameworks


The NCLEX®Program Reports 223 Course is delivered as a web-based, self-paced course within Mountain Measurement's learning management system, Canvas, 10-minute Question and Answer session. Participants are expected to independently complete a 10-minute end-of-course assessment immediately after the course concludes.


Participants are encouraged to have a copy of their NCLEX®Program Reports.

Continuing Education

1.2 contact hours are awarded through the Alabama Board of Nursing (Provider Number ABNP1516 Expires 2/4/2025) to all individuals completing the course and the end-of-course assessment.
